Cities learning
for fair, clean and
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Case Study
Robin Hood Energy, England
Session Menu
Session 9
How different local institutions and citizens can work together towards the energy transition
1. Explainer
Supporting the community energy sector to provide local authorities with green energy
2. Case Study
Tackling fuel poverty, funding and engagement strategies: learnings from Plymouth and Nottingham
3. Case Study
Kronenberg, The Netherlands
4. Case Study
Robin Hood Energy, England
5. Case Study
Cádiz, Spain
6. Case Study
Vienna, Austria
7. Key Learnings
Collaborating with local councils for public health and workers’ rights through retrofitting projects
8. Key Learnings
Building local partnerships through community wealth building
9. Case Study
Plymouth Energy Company
10. Case Study
Cross-border partnerships for the energy transition
11. Further Reading
Further resources - how local institutions and citizens can work together
5. Case Study: Cádiz, Spain