ExplainerThe importance of a just transition

The importance of a Just Transition

A just transition aims to ensure that everyone benefits from the transition away from a fossil fuel based economy; as well as ensuring that workers in high carbon jobs do not lose their livelihoods, whilst also creating new economic opportunities so that local economies can flourish.

At Platform London we have done a lot of work thinking about how to conduct a just transition in the North Sea (where the UK owns oil reserves). Find out more here.

Listen to Jakuta Imširović talk about the challenge of a just transition in a Balkan city below.

Useful resources:

TNI have created an interesting report on how environmental justice organisations and trade unions are coming together for social and environmental transformation.


The climate justice alliance have created an accessible framework for building a just transition


Another way of thinking about a just transition is through the lens of Doughnut Economics, authored by Kate Raworth. Find our more below
